Procrastination and other problems

Posted: May 4, 2011 by Stephanie Krogmann in development
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Hello world,

navigation systems are really helpful to find the right direction without problems and as fast as possible. So why is there no navigation system for me finding the right way to write this post?

All I know is that a post has to be interesting and funny to keep the reader interested. Thanks to the wonderful posts before mine I got to know some methods they used. But still, I honestly think it is hard to find the right way to post.

A navigation system for everyday life would indeed be very appealing:

Never again make the wrong decisions. Never fall in love with the wrong person. Never again become desperate because of hardly resolvable tasks. Never procrastinate again.

Here I am in the middle of procrastination, thinking about something that might help me to find my way, but not coming to a conclusion.

Still procrastinating (being on Facebook) I figured out that the internet might be my navigation system! yeah! I immediately started my search and typed in the destination : ten tips for writing a blog post. But honestly it also did not help me to go on. I was desperate, as all the tips did not help me to find the right topic.

But when talking about my problem with a friend we figured out that all the problems and difficulties people have help them on the other side to become what they are ( well maybe not my problem right now, but in general). We have to make mistakes in order to find out that they are mistakes. We are unique and there is no recipe for life and nobody can tell my how I have to deal with my problems. People might forget this from time to time, especially in modern times when you only have to go online to read about suggestions and problem solving. I do not want to say that the help offered online ( e.g. problem-solving and decision-making) is not helpful and should not be used. This is what makes our lives so interesting and cool; finding out what other people thing, BUT we should never forget to think ourselves. We are able to find solutions ourselves and should be aware of that.

After realizing that I stopped searching online and took a pen and wrote down my ideas: the result was this blog finding out that I have to choose a topic that is interesting for me, that I have to listen to my own ideas and to be more self-confident. This week´s blog really helped me to find out what blogging is all about for me. Thinking myself about problems and tasks!

So how to connect that to my aimed topic “inventions”? Simple answer!

Inventions changed people´s lives, but it does not mean that they relieve us from thinking. Let´s go back to the navigation system. We only find a destination when we know what we are searching for. The machine is not able to do that for us. So maybe life does not become easier, but different. We have to think about other things than 20 years ago to achieve an aim. We do not have to do the things ourselves, but we have to know how to get machines working for us.

To end this blog I would like you to invite to contribute your own opinions as this is very important, even in times of computers. They do not know the answer to all our problems and questions.

See you next week,


  1. lenahaase says:

    Hey Steffi 🙂
    I really like reading your post! It has a very personal sense because you clearly express your own idea and opinion. At the beginning, I was convinced to read sth about navigation systems, but after a short time, I was surprised that you expanded your idea from a simple technical advice to a general statement about life. Another important aspect which caught my attention is your critical attitude towards IT. Most people think that the Internet has solutions for everything, so I found it really refreshing that you stated that there are situations where you are on your own without the Internet!

    Good job!! :-*

  2. natiliab says:

    Wonderful blog post- I could really relate to your words. I had the same thoughts before writing my post and it is nice to see that I am not the only one. Throughout the text you refered back to how to navigate your life. I liked your conclusion a lot because you summed up that a technology is not a solution to direct a life.
    This you tube video talks about an experiment to combine human and a machine to create a new kind of human.

  3. kristinajo says:

    Very nice!Your approach towards this topic has really inspired me considering my future blog posts.Probably everyone of us was in the same situation when we were about to write our blog posts,but actually writing about it never came to my mind.
    I also like that you actually went from searching the internet,to asking a friend,to writing down your own ideas.A progress that one would maybe expect the other way round…

    anywho,talking about procrastination I found a funny video online,maybe you would like to watch it:

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