Posts Tagged ‘Green Business’

Dancing under green leaves

Posted: June 6, 2011 by lisabu00 in environment
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Last weekend I was walking through the streets of Berlin. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and people with sunglasses and flower skirts were passing by as I was heading to another open air festival this season on a Sunday afternoon.
After managing the endless line of guests we entered a dirty, but charming place with little docks and bridges to the small water channel, comfortable deck-chairs and a cute bar, which reminds of Caribbean beaches and cocktail shakers. Crowds of people are already dancing in front of the DJ and raise the dust of the scruffy floor until everybody is slightly covered with a fine film of dirt. But nobody cares. For most of them, that’s what it means to enjoy summer in Berlin. The atmosphere is great, the weather is awesome, the music is overwhelming and the people are nice.
A lot of fun for just a little effort.
But when I saw the cigarettes stubs and bear bottles swimming in the brown water next to us, I was wondering how ecologically friendly those events are and if it might be possible to transact it with a greener touch. (more…)

Green Travelling

Posted: May 18, 2011 by lisabu00 in environment
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Since I’m living in Berlin I feel the urgent need for holidays. As much as I love living and studying here, as hard is it not to adopt the stress and the hectic rush from the city. Working, studying and going out without letting a possibility pass by can make you forget yourself.

So now imagine – you’re lying in a hammock, the sun is shining but palm leaves cover your face softly with shadow. You listen to the sound of waves gently rushing to the beach and a delicious shake of fruits and rum refreshes your body. You’re relaxed and calm and the only thing your mind is concerned about is the question of the next drink.

Sounds good, isn’t it?

Since my general idea was to show interesting aspects of green businesses, I chose to discuss the topic of Green Tourism in this fourth post. (more…)

When I was a kid …
(I haven’t thought I would write a story starting like this before I turn 50)
… being cool and ‘IN’ was a pretty big thing.
In primary school, you were cool, if you had the newest Gameboy or the flashiest shoes.
In secondary school you were cool if you had the most hours of absence or a driving licence and in the best case – a car.
After school, you were cool if you threw the biggest parties, could drink like a rockstar or had the dirtiest sex. (more…)

From Food to Franchise

Posted: May 3, 2011 by lisabu00 in development, environment

Even I was really surprised. It didn’t take me a minute to choose my recent topic.
Normally I would sign the latest posts of my blog partners without changing a word. Finding the best fitting topic for yourself can become an endless procedure and often ends with a not really satisfying result.
But fortunately, it was different this time and my thanks applies to our great Dr. B.
