Posts Tagged ‘Travel’

Green Travelling

Posted: May 18, 2011 by lisabu00 in environment
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Since I’m living in Berlin I feel the urgent need for holidays. As much as I love living and studying here, as hard is it not to adopt the stress and the hectic rush from the city. Working, studying and going out without letting a possibility pass by can make you forget yourself.

So now imagine – you’re lying in a hammock, the sun is shining but palm leaves cover your face softly with shadow. You listen to the sound of waves gently rushing to the beach and a delicious shake of fruits and rum refreshes your body. You’re relaxed and calm and the only thing your mind is concerned about is the question of the next drink.

Sounds good, isn’t it?

Since my general idea was to show interesting aspects of green businesses, I chose to discuss the topic of Green Tourism in this fourth post. (more…)

Share the Ride!

Posted: April 26, 2011 by lenahaase in development
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“Hey! Are you the guy who will drive to Berlin today?” A sentence I used very often this morning….

Like many others, I went home for Easter last week to spend some quality time with my family. I come from a little village that is about five hours away from Berlin, which is quite a distance to overcome, especially if you do not have your own car! So I was thinking about the most convenient way to travel, (as an impatient student I really have to save money and time!). I checked many offers on the internet, e.g. Deutsche Bahn and bus organizations. (more…)